Two days later, though, back at school and with a day to sleep in, pictures start appearing on Facebook with happy comments. And as they see each other’s pictures it brings smiles to their faces. Pictures of laughter at the dinner table, tanning on the beach, and walking around San Juan during an afternoon off remind the roommates (and the rest of the team) of the good times.
As one of those cursing at 5:10, I totally understand the question most of us ask: is it worth it? For some the answer came immediately – during the slightly reckless van races back to the hotel for breakfast one of my teammates had a bit of a conversation with himself saying: “Well, what’s the worst that could happen? We could all die in a fiery crash. (a small pause) Eh, it’s all worth it for an omelet.”
We all get the motivation to get through training trip in different ways. For some it’s an omelet. For others it is the tanning. For some it is the beach volleyball. For some it is simply the opportunity to spend 10 days with their friends on the swim team. But certainly none of us question training trip's worth when it comes down to what is important.
We left training trip as a much closer team than we came. We got to know the freshmen much better and we even learned about our classmates and ourselves. Being with a group of 31 people 24/7 for over a week and enduring pain and exhaustion during that time brings you together in unbelievable ways. And it is with that sense of team that we will be swimming our Conference Meet the weekend of February the 22nd. When we do a turn and see our whole team cheering at the end of our lane, we will not be questioning the worth of training trip. When we finish a race faster than we ever have, we will not be questioning the worth of training trip. And when we get points for our team, we will not be questioning the worth of training trip.
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